Wednesday, May 6, 2009

you've got to be kidding me...

i just spent the last 30 minutes uploading some 672 pictures off of my camera card. pictures of everything that has happened this spring. easter, houses, kids singing in school, playing soccer, a trip to the river. jillian with various liquids in her hair. messes with eggs. somehow they are now all gone. i am crying. real tears. darn you picasa. darn you.


the kendig family said...

mommy you aren't acutally crying

the kendig family said...

i'm crying on the inside, where it counts tito.

Katie said...

I love that your kids are commenting! That really really sucks! Maybe they'll show up somewhere, sometime, somehow.

k said...

a pox upon you, picasa!

congrats on your new house. brand. new. house. does it have jumpy high ceilings?!? when's the warming party?!?

please have one of your kids cut SxDx in the kitchen window with a razor blade, so i'll feel at home when i come visit.